Home » Ife East Postal Code: Osun State

Ife East Postal Code: Osun State

Ife East Postal Codes is 220001 – 220266. This local government area is located in Osun State, South West Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.

For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Ife East LGA, find the code along with the district or location.

Postal Code for Ife East

Postcode Area District LGA State
220251 Ogbadore Modakeke Ife East Osun
220252 Ade Owo Modakeke Ife East Osun
220253 Aranse Olukoola Modakeke Ife East Osun
220254 Oke Otubu Quarters Modakeke Ife East Osun
220255 Oke Ola Modakeke Ife East Osun
220256 Ayanshola Modakeke Ife East Osun
220257 Esuyare Quarters Modakeke Ife East Osun
220261 Okeyidi Modakeke Ife East Osun
220262 Iraye St. Modakeke Ife East Osun
220263 Bosa St. Modakeke Ife East Osun
220264 Oke D.O Rd. Modakeke Ife East Osun
220265 Alapata Modakeke Ife East Osun
220266 Akarabata Modakeke Ife East Osun
more detail
Postal Facility
Location LGA Zipcode
Ile Ife Ife East 220001
Modakake Ife East 220003