Home » Ughelli Postal Code: Delta State

Ughelli Postal Code: Delta State

This is a list of Ughelli ZIP Postal Codes. This District area is located in Ughelli North LGA, Delta State, South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.

For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Ughelli District, find the code along with the area or location.

Postal Code for Ughelli, Delta State.

Postcode Area District LGA State
Afiesere 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ekiugbo 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ekrejebor 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Eruemukobwarien 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Iwhrekpokpo 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Iwhremaragha 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Iwhremaro 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Iwhreneneiwhreorie 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ododegho 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Odovie 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ofuoma 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ogbovwan 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ohwaro 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Oteri 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Otorwodo 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Uduere 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ughelli 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta
Ujode 333105 Ughelli Ughelli North Delta